Motomo Gallery
the Scenes
This is a section to
share some of what goes on behind the scenes here in the house,
gallery and even barn.
This is NOT an active
blog! Just me sharing life events, pictures and recipes
on occasion.
Poem / Death
Death is holding me like
I've never been held before. His hand holding the back of my
head as he holds me close. I feel completely safe and comforted.
Death is helping me to achieve my last wants, aka bucket list.
Death is so sweet and loving and he's true! He is! He's helping
me to feel what I still need to feel before I leave this world.
Death is helping me with my little goals that I really want to
see and making me laugh along the way. He's really an incredible
I am falling for Death, I think he's going to help me get to
all the happiness I still want and crave for myself in this world,
before he holds my hand and brings me to the new world.
I love you Death! Hold my hand!
2, 2020 Winter Decor

I wouldn't have the time
to write about this last year, but the sadness was loosing Aspen
and the happy was that Aspen gave me Logan. NO DOUBT!
Because of the last minute
notice on getting Logan, I didn't set up the Christmas tree.
I was just too overwhelmed with a new baby I never thought I'd
get again. Still,,,,thinking this could be my last Christmas,,,or
healthy one,,,I wanted to do something. Instead of decorating
for Christmas,,,,,,,,,,ON Christmas, I decorated my kitchen chandeliar,
then table and kept adding to the kitchen after Christmas. Gawd,,,,,,,,,,I
love Home Goods!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired of the bling
now and made a wreath of baby breaths the last couple of days
and one of lavender. I'm ready to pack the Winter Decorations
away, but not before a few pictures:

6/7/2018: Ledgelawn Inn
In clearing out "stuff"
I ran across an old, boxed soap with Ledgelawn Inn imprinted
on it. I wasn't sure where it came from, so of course,,,,I googled
it. Ledgelawn Inn is an inn in Bar Harbor Maine, that my ex (Ian)
and I went to celebrate a wedding anniversary. I didn't know
at the time, but this inn is considered to be haunted by a jilted
bride to be who hung herself with her own veil. Apparently, many
guests have experienced ghostly things,,,,but seems to be mostly
on the third floor. I don't remember what floor our room was
on, but I don't remember anything ghostly! Heavenly,,,but not
Do I believe in haunted
places? YES I do!
November 2, 2015: The
Picnic Table
This table was a dream
of mine! I told myself once I got through the cancer treatment
I WOULD get myself a picnic table to put near my brook and to
start enjoying life and enjoying my lil piece of heaven. I made
it through the treatment, but what I didn't think about was the
time of the year. The end of summer! Not many had picnic tables
to sell anymore and the ones that did were cheap pine that got
bad reviews for rotting in a year or two. I finally called Paris
Farmers Union, who's site said they had the 6' table I wanted
and in pressure treated wood. Yes,,it would cost more,,but I
deserved it! Problem was,,when I called them,,they no longer
had it in stock. I told them why I wanted it. Yes,,I played the
cancer card! This was something I held onto all those months
and I really wanted one,,it was like my gift to myself for all
I went through and still going through. The nice man told me
he'd do everything he could to get me one and he said it in a
way where I really believed him.
I told my nurses about
it and after about 3 weeks one of them asked me if they called
me back. I told them no and I wasn't going to bother them. It
was my mistake thinking I could get one at the end of the season,
so I wasn't going to bother them about it. I felt it was my mistake
on not thinking about the time of the year I'd purchase one.
Then one day,,,,I got
an email from a friend telling me some food from Snowvillage
Inn was left on my car. Everyone knows not to knock on my door.
lol I went through the barn to get it, so I wouldn't be seen
in my comfies and not much longer then when I got inside, the
phone rang. It was my friend Joan asking me if I saw what was
by my car. I thought she meant the food and told her I just got
it, but I had no idea why she'd be calling about the food. Then
she asked how I couldn't see it! She was laughing! I told her,,I
went through the barn and the only thing I saw were the bags
of food on the car. She told me to look outside my gallery door,
so I did. And,,,the above pics is what I saw!!!! My dream picnic
table!!!!! With that giant bow on it! I broke into tears! How???
Who???? All Joan told me was it came from AnonyMooses in town.
I wasn't relating! This
wasn't a NEED like when I went through treatment. It was just
a want that I was going to get for myself! She didn't say more,,but
that people in town that wanted to stay anonymous donated the
money for the table. I have goose bumps in just writing this
story now. I felt alone in this process, but yet still,,,there
were people in town that cared and gave,,,even though staying
anonymous. I want to thank all of those AnonyMOOSES.
It took a couple of weeks
for Joan to tell me more, although she still wouldn't tell me
who donated towards the table. Ends up,,,she was at the pub,
told people about me wanting the table and how hard of a time
I was trying to find one. Enough chipped in to cover the cost.
The next step was Joan going to Paris Farmers Union,,,mentioning
my name and the table (she knew I went to them in hopes of them
getting me one). They were working on getting one for me and
now they were really trying. Joan told them if I called,,,to
LIE to me and tell me they couldn't get one. Ends up after way
too much work for one table,,,,they got one! But,,,,Paris Farmers
Union had to buy 150 of them, so I could have my 1!!!!!!
That brought more tears!!!! I can't believe they did that! Yes,,they'll
sell them next year, but to pay out money for inventory in off
season is something I don't even do. Hugs to them all for being
so human in such an insane world! That table could never be replaced,,,too
much love from so many went into it. It's such a special gift!!!
A neighbor helped me
move it to the brook. We got lucky and it settled on straight
land easily. The table did come with some things for the feet,
so they wouldn't rot and a cover for the winter. I had my first
bbq using the table and the brook was babbling happily with a
second brook running into it giving it a little waterfall. HEAVEN!!!!!
I'll get pics as soon as I have some time. In the meantime,,,trying
to get the saplings along the brook cut down and so far only
3 have been cut. A neighbor said he should be back to do the
rest. I hope so,,,,it would give the area a lot more sun and
I think I can have partial sun plants there next year. My little
spot of heaven that took me too long to enjoy! My priorities
have changed! I'm going to be taking some ME time once I get
through this. A nice, healthy balance and if anyone sat by my
brook,,,they'd know what I'm talking about. It's a magical place.
If any AnonyMOOSES are
reading this,,,,thank you from the deepest part of my heart!
Much love and big hugs!
October 4, 2015: Cancer
It's been awhile since
I posted on here. I've been battling cancer and as much as I
felt like posting,,I just wasn't able to. Now,,I'm ready to post
a bit of this battle. After 5 months of chemo and 2 months of
radiation, it was hard for me to find my footing again. I have
to laugh a bit with saying "footing" since I have neuropathy
in my feet and hands now. I don't have good footing! Chemo has
left my body a mess! And I'm realizing I may never be the same
again. I can't walk well or even write well.
Last week,,I found out
my spine has osteoporosis. Not cool, since I was born with a
bad spine. My slump in living got worse and I didn't know how
to get out of it but wait it out. The last few days I did "food"
days and made and freezed exotic recipe's. Best thing I ever
bought myself was a freezer. *;) The nesting of cooking like
this got me back into a passion. I have to stop now since my
freezers are full and I eat so little. Have to try for sane instead
of manic food horder! *;)
Anyway,,,this is National
Breast Cancer Awareness month and it hit me hard. A year ago
I was getting ready for my surgery. One of many and at least
one more by the end of this year. . A year later,,,,I'm still
sick and weak. I was told it would take another year to get my
energy back and also given papers of what will come next for
me because I did go through chemo and radiation. Oh boy!!!! Nice
to know my future!!! <sigh> After hearing the chemo could
have caused osteroporosis and I need big time help with that
since it's really bad in my lower spine,,I got into a week long
funk. I slept a lot,,but then felt my passion wanting to live
again!! And then I thought of this song. It fits,,and I'll remember
it while I have to go through more tests and operations. For
any fight in life,,,this song helps!
If any of you want to
help cancer patients in this area,,please donate to Jen's Friends,,,,,http://jensfriends. I can't
begin to tell you how much they've helped me.
12 2015: My
Baby Girl leaves this world:

5/1999 - 1/12/2015
aka as Sugar in the show circle
Luna was my sweet Luna
Belle. I hadn't had a female dog in years and when I got her,
I couldn't resist putting pink ribbons on her. She didn't mind.
I got her when she was 8 years old and I wished I had her since
a puppy because I just didn't have enough time with her. But,
the time I did have, I loved! She was sassy! She mostly enjoyed
her retired life sleeping, but if I was in the kitchen, she'd
be there waiting for food and sassing me if she didn't get anything.
She was also a big time lover. She loved to snuggle! Her time
here,,,no notice. Just about 24 hours for me to realize she too
would leave like Shadow did. Fast with no warning. I so miss
my sweet Luna Belle! I miss her sassing me and begging for food
and even at her old age,,,,,pawing at me to play. I can't believe
your gone sweet one! You and Shadow left me so close together
that it's hard to wrap my head and heart around it. I can only
hope you are both together and having fun with each other. But,
please,,don't forget about me! Let me feel you both on occasion
and Luna,,,,,you can have as many ice cubes as you want. Gawd,,,,,I'll
never be able to get an ice cube again without thinking about
you. And the pumpkin chunks. Please know,,,your little guy Aspen
misses you as much as I do. I can't take your place with him,
but I'm trying to help him as much as I can since you left us.
Please,,let your spirit touch ours if you can. We need to feel
you. We miss you so much and I miss grabbing your sweet little
tongue when you let it stick out when you slept. I miss all of
you my little girl!
I miss you so much my
Uncle Joe

11/20/1927 - 8/30/2014
August 30, 2014: Uncle
Joe leaves this world
Sadly, I haven't seen
my Uncle Joe in years. I knew my dad still kept contact up until
he died, but the families didn't meet up anymore. But, I do remember
seeing him when I was an adult and having an incredible conversation
with him. He not only still had that killer smile I remembered
as a child, but a glint in his eye and willingness to share his
wisdom. I never forgot his words and think about them often.
I always did. And uncle Joe,,,I'm still running my life with
that wisdom. Both you and dad taught me so much!
My one wish,,,we got
to know each other even more. You were an amazing man and let
me tell you and your immediate family and friends,,,my dad,,,Joe's
brother,,adored Joe! Gawd,,,the stories!
I will tell one that
I always think about. My dad visited Joe at the firestation one
day. My siblings and I were very young and everything looked
soooo big to us! I was in awe of all the firemen! Then,,,the
alarm went off! We watched uncle Joe and others quickly get into
their suits. I was so scared with the loud alarms. The firemen
got into their trucks and dad took us outside and held us between
the section of the building to separate the entrance for the
trucks. Sirens screaming (as I was at this point), I watched
the 2 fire trucks rush out, so close to us we could touch them.
They turned left. That's the end of that memory.
For years though,,,my
dad, would wake us kids up to go to a fire scene. I can still
smell the smoke with some of those big fires. Dad was living
Joes life in a way. He looked up to Joe,,,envy? I don't know
about that, but I do know he was PROUD of his brother. He LOVED
his brother! And maybe now,,,they're together again. I hope you
both are and I hope you're both watching down on all of us. What
men you were! What men,,,you will always be in the hearts of
so many! Brothers! My Dad,,,my Uncle.
CONCORD - Deputy Chief
Joseph M. Wescott (Ret.), born Nov. 20, 1927, in Nova Scotia,
passed away Aug. 30, 2014, at Concord Hospital. Every child and
grandchild who did not need to board a plane to be at his side
was in attendance during his final hours. Those few others also
wanted to be there desperately in person, but their spirits were
powerfully present in the room, as they held vigil in their hearts.
Firefighters who loved him sat at his bedside and told stories
to his youngest son Sean, a Manchester firefighter.
He was an Air Force veteran,
serving during the Korean War as MP, then in strategic security
in New England. He went on to be a policeman in Manchester and
In 1962, Joe joined the
Concord Fire Department and retired as deputy fire chief.
At the age of 42, he
became a founding member of the Concord Rugby Football Club.
Not a youth certainly, he was yet formidable.
After his retirement
from the fire department, Joe became a special deputy for the
U.S. Marshals Service, and later a security guard at First Capital
Bank, and too, a bail commissioner at Concord District Court.
He leaves behind five
children and their families: Michelle Greenwood of New Boston,
Mark and his wife, Pongpayia of Conyers Georgia, Denise and her
husband, Todd Place of Francestown, Kathleen and her husband,
Rob Audette of Hooksett and son Sean Wescott and wife Christi
of Manchester. Proud grandpa of his six grandchildren and two
great- grandchildren.
We, his children, are
at a loss by his passing. In our hearts, we know he is watching
over us. In Joe's words, always "stay safe." We will
miss you pops.

10/18/02 - 7/28/2014
July 28, 2014: My
Shadow leaves this world
Shadows death was unexpected.
He went from happy, to being in pain. An early a.m. visit to
the vet, I was told he most likely had a cancerous tumor that
burst. He was hemorrhaging. His gums pale and ice cold. There
was no way to save him. I had to make the decision fast and once
I found out there was no way he'd get past this,,, I told the
vet to let him out of his pain. I held him through that until
he left this world. My baby!!!!! OMG! My heart is so missing
you! You were my shadow,,and Shadow. Now,,,,,I walk around without
my Shadow. I love you sooooooooooo much! And I miss you!!! My
beloved,,Shadow Man!!!! I am so empty without you.
February 3, 2014: Desiderata
Max Ehrmann (1872 to 1945), poem written in the 1920's
Desiderata is Latin for "desired things"
Go placidly amid the
noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
August 25, 2013: Our Small Town Parade

Click on picture to see
more pictures of our small town parade
August 19, 2013: Cucumbers & Pickles
This is the first year
I tried to grow cucumbers and I was thrilled with the results!
With so much of the garden suffering this year because of weather
conditions, the cucumbers didn't mind. The largest one to date
is the one in the picture and is a healthy 10" long. The
runner up is 9" long. Both still growing since I haven't
taken them off the vine yet.
The homemade pickles
were a gift from a local friend. Thanks Pam! *:) I hope to try
my hand at making some myself next year.
August 6, 2013:

9/20/1929 - 8/5/2013
I'm missing you Dad!
You were and are my heart! Forever!!!! I love you Dad!
Exciting News!!!!
June 1, 2013: Motomo Gallery
makes it into New
Hampshire Magazine! Check it out! *:) June 2013 Page: 24! *;)
Oct. 8 2012 Chocolate
Drive-Thru Sign

Chocolate Drive-Thru Sign
I never expected my Chocolate
Drive-Thru sign to get so much attention. A crazy idea that worked!
lol I've seen and met many people taking pictures of it since
I introduced it, but Emma was sweet enough to send a picture
to me. Thanks so much Emma! You did a wonderful job! *:D
Oct. 8 2012 Gourds &
Butternut Squash
Gourds & Butternut Squash
Both are harvests from
neighbors. My neighbor John grew the gourds for me, which will
sit out on the porch swing to dry until next spring. Later I'll
turn them into my Autumn Leaves gourds. *:) Thank you John! *:)
Another neighbor grows
LOTS of butternut squash and shares them with some of the towns
people every year. This squash is going to make some fine soup!
Thank you Don! *:)
Oct. 8 2012 Views
from my Backyard
Views from my backyard
I love my backyard and
hope to clear the saplings and the dreaded bamboo next year,
so I can finally enjoy it a lot more. With the sound of the babbling
brook in the back and the loons on the lake,,,,heaven! *:) Hopefully
by next year I'll be showing pictures of the backyard with a
picnic table near the brook and some shade plants. Keep dreaming,
putting in the work, and the dreams do come true. *:)
To the left,,a picture
of the back of my house, gallery and barn. To the right, the
brook where one on the right (hard to see from this picture),
feeds into the main one, where it then runs into the lake.
Oct. 8 2012 Stacking

Wood behind Lace
I decided to stack some
of my wood on the front porch this year. This will make it so
much nicer to get to instead of hauling it up from the barn in
the dead of winter. Although, I'm putting in that time now with
having to haul it to the front porch. *;) It's nice weather though
and I love stacking wood during Autumn. Two more piles to go
for the porch and the rest in the barn.
Sept. 30 2012 Harvesting

Hanging herbs to dry
Usually, the beam has
no room for baskets, hats, etc., because the basil harvest is
hanging on both sides of the beam. This year I started harvesting
the basil early so I'd have room for other herbs and hydrangea
to dry.
Besides my usual huge
harvest of basil, this year I also had lavender (for winter recipes),
catnip, mint & sage. I also brought in pots of basil, sage
and chives so I can have them fresh during the long winter.
I'll harvest the last
of the basil once I hear a freeze report coming in. LOVE that
basil! *:)
Sept. 30 2012 Green
Getting ready for fried
green tomatoes
Recipe: Beat 1 egg, or more if you're
frying a lot of tomatoes. Put your choice of coating in a separate
bowl. You can use corn meal, panko bread crumbs, bread crumbs,
even flour. Put your choice of oil (I use canola) in a frying
pan (I never use more than 1/4" of oil at a time) and heat
First coat them in the
egg batter, then the coating and put them into the hot oil. Let
them fry about 4-5 minutes on each side until the coating is
nicely browned. Once browned on both sides, take them out and
drain them on paper towels. Enjoy! *:)
Sept. 23 2012 My First
Homegrown Tomatoes

Beefsteak Tomato and Basil
One of many of my very
first crop of tomatoes. Such a beauty! I grew the basil also,
but growing basil is hardly new to me. That's why the focus is
on the tomato. *;)
Recipe: If you grow tomatoes and basil,
a wonderful & simple, but tasty salad is to slice the tomato
in quartered slices, julienne the basil (I use kitchen scissors)
and top with some shaved, fresh mozzarella cheese. Optional:
A drizzle of quality olive oil.