Lakota was getting lonely
being the only dog, so I was keeping an eye on the shelter websites
in NH. One night I saw a picture of Shadow,, G.Shepard Mix, and
I knew we had to meet. The shelter called him Garth, but that
name quickly changed when we got him home. Lakota went with me
to meet "Garth" and see if they got along together.
It didn't take long before both dogs wanted off leashes to play
with each other. That sealed the deal for me and I signed the
papers and brought "Garth" home on 10/18/02. Right
away he took on Raiders trait to follow me everywhere. That's
when I knew what his name would be. One of my special names for
Raider and that was Shadow. Garth was history just like his shelter
days would be.
Shadow is about 1 year
old and was a misunderstood, overgrown puppy. His puppy play
was mostly with his mouth and for that reason he was returned
to the shelter twice. He was quickly broken out of the mouthy
thing when i'd yelp when he grabbed my hand. He was so worried
he hurt me he learned not to do it. One thing he didn't learn
was when I went to sleep, it wasn't the time for him to go crazy.
He wasn't to be trusted then. To him this house was full of things
for him to play with and chew. I decided to bring Raiders kennel
down and crate train him when I was sleeping or out of the house.
To save things from being eaten as well as not get jumped on
when I was sleeping. This guy really thinks of himself as a lightweight
lap dog. NOT!!! OUCHIE! I'd leave the crate door open during
the day and he'd go in there to chew his bones or nap. But, when
things showed up missing I decided to check in his lil apartment
and sure enough,,I found many things hidden there! Shampoo bottle,
soap, loofah to name a few. All hidden neatly under his doggy
bed. I'm rethinking his name to Thief,,,but i'll stick to Shadow
for now. *;)
Shadow is a huge snuggler!!!!
As I mentioned he thinks he's a small lap dog and tries to put
his whole body on my lap. I can lay down to nap with him beside
me and he'd stay there with my arm around him. Unless he got
an attack to do some cat burglery. He's such a gentle spirit
but with lots of puppy fire when he's not being snuggled. He'll
flip toys around Lakota and Raider ignored for years. Mostly
though he loves bones. Marrow bones, rawhide bones, anything
he can eat real fast. Nylabones kind of still remain with dust
on them. When he runs out of them, he'll sneak to Lakota's favorite
spot and try to steal them. Lakota the thief is finally getting
a taste of his own medicine. lol
First day here Lakota
was a bit snitty with Shadow. He was setting the ground rules
and letting Shadow know he was the alpha and don't think different.
But by the next day both were chasing each other around. They
tear up the backyard real good and Shadow taught Lakota how to
dig holes. Shadow is teaching Lakota to much! hehee But, the
play these two have together is sooo nice to watch. Lakota with
a new friend and Shadow with a new family and home. He's brought
back a much needed puppy spirit to this house. Like with Raider,
Shadow has it in him to be a forever puppy. A spirit that doesn't
grow old. Finding him was a real blessing for Lakota and me and
I think Shadow would agree a blessing for him too. *:)
Shadow was the first
dog I've ever adopted and I recommend it highly! There are sooo
many wonderful animals waiting for a home and needing love and
understanding. Two had tried Shadow out and didn't know about
the breed or training, so had to bring him back Because they
did return him, I got a wonderful new friend! Anyone that gets
an animal, even an adopted animal have to realize that dogs don't
know the house rules. Because they're not puppies doesn't mean
they don't know soap isn't a toy,,,or your sweater isn't for
chewing, etc. And many of the animals have had loving homes and
were either given up or abandoned,,leaving them confused and
empty. I know dogs and they know lonliness. These animals need
lots of love, understanding and to be taught the rules of the
house. In a gentle way. And with that gift you give them,,,they'll
give you their heart forever!!! Before adopting any animal, get
to know the breed. There's so much information on the internet
there's no excuse not to. It will help you understand that animal
better and that will help you both. It's worth the time to research
and helps make sure you're getting the animal that best suits
your needs and theirs. I sooo highly recommend rescuing animals
that need good homes. It's rewarding in so many ways and they'll
be forever grateful. ALL animals should be loved! Just ask Shadow
who is at the moment trying to kick me off the couch so he can
have it to himself. *;)
Peggy, Shadow
& Lakota

1/ 2008

Your illness gave me
no notice my handsome guy! How am I suppose to deal with that?
Your bandanna and collar are laying on your side of the couch.
That's it! In a quick breath,,,you're gone! *:(...............
I will love you forever
my Heart, my Shadow!!!
Your Mom
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2017
Christmas 2019
Christmas 2020
Christmas 2022
Christmas 2023
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