Banjo came into my life
many years ago,,,probably around 1982. My husband Ian and I had
just moved into our dream house and neither of us had a dog for
many years. Once in this house, I didn't crave a baby, but a
puppy! One early evening Ian came home with a big smile on his
face and showed me a phone number of a local that was selling
puppies. I was sooo excited and that weekend we went to look
at them. We were greeted by the owner of the mommy dog and he
lead us to the side of the house where it was fenced in. We saw
the purebred Samoyed mom (dad was a love them and leave them
type guy,,no one knows for sure who he was),,,but no puppies
in site! The man whistled and from a hole in the ground one bouncing
puppy after another jumped out of the hole towards him. Mom had
built them a cozy little home underground. *:) We were surrounded
by the cutest damn puppies I've ever seen in my life!!! But,
one in particular took Ians heart and that's the one we brought
home. We named him Banjo, a name from a wildlife show about a
lion cub that no one thought would survive,,but did! A good strong
name I thought! Lil Banjo was trusting, loving and spoiled! *;)
He became our child and never went without anything a yuppie
puppy shouldn't have. We ran with him, spoiled him and loved
him so much it hurt. He was super super smart and picked up on
many tricks very early. In a matter of hours he knew what I called
signing. He could count how many fingers I had up with barks,,he
would bark with me just opening my hands and kiss when asked.
I made sure to get lots of those. *:) He had a very happy and
healthy life! Then one Spring day, I believe the year to be 1996,
he heard Ian coming home and could not stand up to meet him at
the door. He was on a wood floor so I thought he had slipped,,but
no,,he couldn't get up! With my help he managed to stand and
then could run to Ian. Normally he'd be at the door before Ian
could park his car in the garage, but this time Ian made it in
the house before Banjo could get to the door. *:( We just lost
my cat of 18 years less then 2 months before this, so I was scared!
The Vet report didn't make it any better. He had cancer. I blocked
out what kind it was, but it eventually took over him to the
point he couldn't walk. Now,,,,to let you in on some of the Banjo
spirit!!!! Even though he struggled with everything he did, his
spirit was very much alive and he still wanted to chase and bite
at Raiders butt,,,Banjo's only puppy brother. *:) When it got
to hard for him to chase, Ian thought of a wonderful idea and
came home with a flat plastic sled with a rope pull on it. Banjo
would lay in it while Ian pulled him on the sled to chase Raider
around so Banjo could still bite at his butt. Sometimes Raider
would jump over Banjo and Banjo would get him in the leg. That
would cause a yelp because of a broken tooth Banjo had, but it
didn't stop Raider from wanting more play! *:) Banjo's body was
dying, but his spirit was as strong as ever. We decided he'd
let us know when he wanted to go. In the meantime we tried alternative
medicines. Mostly massive doses of shark cartilage. And sometimes
we really thought we saw improvement. But,,,his spirit was not
wanting to be in that body anymore. Raider knew it and stopped
trying to play with him,,but Ian and I had a harder time in letting
go. Banjo started wetting himself because he couldn't get up
and would look up at me in embaressment. I let him know it was
okay,,,but finally, he told me one day,it just hurt to much.
It was the day before Thanksgiving. I called Ian at work and
he came home where we took that final trip with Banjo. One I
won't even talk about because for me right now in writing this,,,,,,it's
happening now! And Banjo knew too. He was never afraid of the
vet until that day. That day is when my life changed forever
and would never be the same again.
Banjo was a light that
I can't explain. I've had many animals in my life, but he was
like my first child. I had 14 years with him and when his body
passed, something in me died that never did come back. He was
spirit, light, happiness and always wearing that Sammy smile
and it's because of him that I have a deep love for Samoyeds.
He had an independant spirit, but needed his pack. He was simply
the perfect spirit for the life we had. He inhanced everything!
Now, I can't end this
on such a sad note. I need to talk more about his spirit. He
was everyones friend! He had a Golden Retriever friend named
Mike who would manage to sneak out of his house (much to his
alpha parents concern) and run across the woods to meet up with
Banjo. I'd find Mike at the glass sliding doors giving me a look,,,,,"can
Banjo come out and play?" I still laugh at that memory!
*:) I'd let Banjo out and they'd run around the backyard until
exhausted. Banjo knew not to leave the backyard, so I had complete
trust with him on that. When done, Mike would go running back
into the woods to go home and Banjo would sit there exhausted
watching him disappear in the pines and maples. Then he'd look
at me, wag his tail and come back in. *:) Later on a new buddy
moved into the neighborhood. His name was Dusty! Dusty was a
Collie that also snuck out to meet up with Banjo. And sometimes
Banjo, Dusty and Mike all met up together. *:) They'd hang out
in the backyard or come in for treats. After watching Banjo enjoy
Mike and Dusty so much, we decided to get him his own 24/7 brother.
That's when Raider came into the picture. Banjo just loved Raider!
and Raider loved Banjo!!!! Wherever Banjo went, Raider was beside
him. But, one day I had them both out,,,Raider on a leash,,when
Dusty was strutting up the driveway. He saw Banjo, me and the
new little one ,,,,,Raider.
Dusty: "Hey Banj,,who's
the little runt?"
He was wagging his tail and Banjo went to meet him.
Banjo: "my new kid brother, come check him out!" Banjo
was proud!
Even Raider was wagging his tail. Dusty had to check out this
new little fellow and got closer to Raider to check him out.
Raider went from happy to.............
Raider: " Oh, hi!
hi!" wag wag wag "Wait! you're so big! you scare me!
Get away! NOW!" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Poor Dusty never saw it coming. Neither did I! Dusty just bid
us a fast adios and went back home.
Dusty: " Love you
Banj. but you need to get that runt to chill!"
This was one of Raiders first signs of fear anxiety and it never
did go away. But,,that didn't keep Banjo from still having his
time with his local buddies. He just wouldn't include his little
brother. *;)
Banjo had a wonderful
life and he was/is a most important part of my heart. He was
our child together! He was so many things! Mostly though,,,he
was a very special gift given to us to enjoy and share life with
for 14 wonderful years. And those years will never be gone anymore
then I could ever let him go.
Banjo, I only hope that
right now you're playing with Raider again and remembering us!
I miss you both so much that there just isn't words. My two guys,
back together again. I wish so much you could both come back
to me!!!!!
Gawd, Banjo,,,,,,you
still haunt me and fill so much of my heart! I miss you Snapper!
Your mom
Christmas 1996
Christmas 1997
Christmas 1999
Christmas 2001
Christmas 2002
Christmas 2004
Christmas 2005
Christmas 2007
Christmas 2008
Christmas 2010

Christmas 2011
Christmas 2013

Christmas 2014
Christmas 2016

Christmas 2017
Christmas 2019
Christmas 2020
Christmas 2022
Christmas 2023
With love always,,,
Your Mom
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