Eaton, NH

B&W Dandelion Seed by Peggy Wescott

Welcome to Eaton, NH!!! A small town built around a mountain lake that will not only take you back in time, but will take your breath away. Outside of it's natural beauty, we have some wonderful Inns and businesses that will leave you warm & cozy and wanting to come back for more.

From a piece of heaven,,,,,,,,



EATON column by Nancy E. Williams 7/16/24. 447-5635


Dale, Gary and I are so thankful that the weather held for the July 4th celebration at our lovely Crystal Lake. The wind was quite strong when they were setting up the tent, so when the side closest to the road was going up, many of us were standing on the tent flaps by the lake, so that the breeze wouldn’t take the whole tent away! It all worked out and the weather was good for the next two days so we really lucked out. Thank you to the weather Gods. Big thanks to all the helpers: John, H., Phil L., Dick F., Don G., Gary S., Peter K., Philip H., John B., Frank H., Peter K., Phil T., Dick B., Jerry M., Dave B., John H., and Jake C. That’s just the guys! Add to that Dale S., Kerry M., Nora K., Anne D., Suzanne R., Mary M., and yours truly who did stand on the tent. Many thanks to Stubby for bringing all the picnic tables down to the Beach. And to John Hartman and friends who brought the tent from the Town Garage. Successful tent set up - check.

The next day, instead of rain (isn’t it raining nearly every day?), setting up the table started early and was done in a flash, after Dale swept off and cleaned up all the tables before we arrived. Time to thank the other helpers: Judy F., Linda J., Heidi F., Annie J.P. and her sons Jace and Devon, Barb H., Jeanne H., Elaine K., Mary M., Judy W., and Betsy G.

Gary Schofield and Don Fields were our super chefs, turning out wonderful burgers and veggie burgers, hot dogs, topped with cheese (all purchased from Shaw’s - thanks to Tony and Shaw’s). You could add ketchup, one of two flavors of mustard, relish, cut up onions, and some pickles. Yes, that’s just for the meat. Then our wonderful townspeople brought all sorts of hors d’oeuvres, a myriad of salads, watermelon that melted in your mouth, and so many delicious side dishes, that no one left hungry. Did I leave some food items out? What an array of fabulous desserts to choose from. I’m sure many went back for seconds; I know I did. I do have a pretty plate with red and blue flowers on it (Churchill on back), and I believe it had had fruit in toothpicks on it. I have it in the Post Office. Delicious food - check.

Ok, who was missing??? Sunni and Ralph Wilkewitz, who began this tradition so many years ago, were not in attendance. Sunni, we all wish you the best! They first started this picnic at the Grove in 1992, but the next year had to bring everyone over to the Beach to accommodate the number of people who multiplied into a picnic crowd. For years Sunni and Ralph continued to create a true dynasty, taking care of everything and everyone. Good things sometimes end and in 2014, the Eaton Community Circle offered to bring food, which was delicious. However, the consensus was “We want burgers and dogs,” so I kind of took on the job. After years of wonder chefs, Chris Kennedy and Tom Head, serving up great food, we now have two new experienced wonder chefs and the party goes on and on and on. (Thanks to Diane Portnoy for the use of her big grill and to Hunter Haynes for bringing it.)

What else do we offer other than a beautiful lake to swim in, but happy music coming from Candace M., accordion; Dennis S., fife; Peter on guitar and John on ukulele. How fun it is to belt out those patriotic songs overlooking such beauty and remembering the great sacrifices of our Veterans, who fought and are still fighting today so that we can live with all the freedoms we are lucky enough to have in this great country. In the 50/50 raffle, our two lucky winners were Sally Plaisance, and Mary McCormick who received $130 each. Lovely party enjoyed by all - check.

In other news, I hope you all received copies of Joyce Blue’s “The Eaton Bell.” Reminder: on Saturday, July 20 from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 all are invited to celebrate the life of our friend Meg Gospodarek, a longtime resident of Eaton and a special nurse up at Memorial. The Church will be presenting some excellent concerts this month: On Sunday, July 21 at 4:00 p.m., Ellen Schwindt will be bringing along Maisie Brown and Kaitlyn Sakash, two amazing young women who are graduating seniors this year and wonderful pianists. Come hear them.

Then on Thursday, July 25 at 7:00 p.m. you must see Village Harmony. This concert with teens from around the world and their leaders will astound and complete your heart and mind. Suggested donation, $10; all are welcome. Stay tuned for more events at our LWC.

Speaking of our Church, the Board of Directors is looking for new board members. You can be a part of this iconic entity’s preservation and continued vitalization. We typically do not meet in the winter, and we love when people bring their talents and expertise forward to benefit this historic gem. If you are interested, please contact a board member you know or Patricia McMurry (447-6822) or

Are the berries ready at Linda and Dave Sorensen’s BerryKnoll? Here is the latest: red currants and champagne currants are ready. Black currants and gooseberries need another week. Blueberries need approximately 2 more weeks. Some daylilies are beginning to bloom. A plastic bin with berry boxes and the money box is on the picnic table. All berries are $5/quart, the same as last year.

OLLI@UNH is once again having an Openhouse July 24th 10:30 - noon to let people know about the upcoming fall classes and events. Drop by the Journey Church in Center Conway to meet the presenters and find out what is starting in September. 30 classes locally including two by Eaton residents: John Border with “Using the iPhone Camera to Your Advantage,” and Beth Griffin, with “Making Peace with Your Plate with Intuitive Eating.”

Do NOT miss the South Eaton Meeting House Fair coming up on Saturday, July 27 from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. at the Meeting House, off Rt. 153, left on Horseleg Hill Road (going south). Grilled meats, pulled pork, vegan options, baked beans, homemade salads, desserts, bake sale items and drinks. This is definitely my favorite Fair for great food, hospitality, fun conversations, and super desserts. Take a tour of the historic Meeting House and the cemetery across the road. Don’t forget money for the raffle tickets.


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